F Marisa Dahl: What am I reading and listening to and questions I'm asking myself.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

What am I reading and listening to and questions I'm asking myself.

I am looking forward to sharing more about books and podcasts that I am reading and listening to. I have so many questions and thoughts as I read and listen and this is going to be a place for me to share those and hopefully engage with you, the reader.  Let me know in the comment below what you are reading and/or listening to and if you have thoughts and questions about either.

UDL and Blended Learning (Amazon), You Had Me at Hola, the EdTech Take Out Podcast (I've listened to every one of these and I look forward to them each time they release another one!) and The Backwards Podcast, (I've listened to the first 3 episodes and I feel like I could go back and listen to them again, so much great stuff, and so much to think about going into a new school year!. 

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