F Marisa Dahl: We delivered our 1st Boxed.PD! What is Boxed.PD?

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

We delivered our 1st Boxed.PD! What is Boxed.PD?

Today we delivered our first Boxed.PD. ... (we are still trying to figure out a better name but we aren't letting that stop us for now, if you have suggestions please leave a comment below!)...

Our first recipient was an Instructional Coach in the area who asked for a box focused on Coaching/Mentoring. Tyler Hellmann and I worked with Michelle Vaughn who helped us gather a couple resource focused on Coaching/Mentoring and more specifically observation which is what this coach asked us to focus on. It was nice to collaborate with others in our agency to create something like this!

I am glad I had Crystal Marshal's (@crystalmmarshal) help me with this process! She was nice enough to send a box to for me to check out what they send and it gave us great ideas for items to add to the box and formatting of the documents. Here is the blog post from edSurge that gave us this idea.

Our goal for these boxes is to Design, develop, and implement professional learning programs (i.e. Boxed.PD) to promote digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment. (Aligns with the ISTE Coaching Standards #2 d)

We are already creating out next box, we will stick with Coaching/Mentoring but this time the focus will be building relationships and ideas for pop-up PD's. If you have any resources that you think would be helpful for this topic please add them to the comments below!

Here is the final project that was delivered today! We can't wait to get feedback from our recipients!

The boxes we used are on sale right now (3/19/18) at Micheals for $2.99, can't beat that price, and the shredded paper at the bottom was found at the Dollar Tree!

We can't wait to create more boxes and ship them out to educators in our agency to help support them in their learning journey!

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